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Freshmen are more "learning" than mature brain cells

An animal study in Canada proved for the first time that newborn brain cells are more active than mature brain cells when learning new things. This shows that the brain needs to constantly add new cells to maintain its intelligence.

According to a report in the online edition of the British "New Scientist" magazine, researchers at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada injected a chemical agent into the experimental mice. This agent only stains the newborn cells in the brain of the experimental mice at the time of injection. Subsequently, the researchers taught different experimental mice to walk through the maze at different times and analyzed the cells in the hippocampus of their brains. The hippocampus is a key area of ​​the brain for learning and memory.

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The researchers focused on analyzing the activity of stained cells in the hippocampus of these rodents. The researchers found that for the experimental mice that learned to walk the maze shortly after the injection, their colored brain cells were significantly active. If you learn to walk the maze 8 weeks after the injection (when the colored brain cells are fully mature), the activity of these colored brain cells will be greatly reduced.

Paul Frankland, who is in charge of this research, believes that newborn brain cells can play a more important role in learning.


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