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Baby skin characteristics

Newborns have fine skin and tender meat, and their skin is not fully developed. Parents must take care of them carefully.

1. Thin and easy to damage

The uppermost layer of the baby's skin is composed of a single-celled stratum corneum, which contains a small amount of fiber and lacks elasticity. Its thickness is only 1/10 of an adult. In addition, because babies have less subcutaneous fat and are more likely to lose water, their skin usually appears relatively dry. Therefore, they are easily damaged by the penetration of toxic or irritating substances from the outside, and they have no ability to resist dryness. If the mother does not take good care of it, it will damage the baby's skin, causing allergies and redness.


2. Less lipid, easy to dry

Lipids are essential for maintaining the water balance of the human skin. Infants and young children have less fat skin and are prone to loss of skin moisture. Therefore, the skin is relatively dry, peeling and cracking often occur.

3. Large ratio of area to weight

Of course, there is a difference between the skin of children and adults, and such a set of data can also explain. Under normal circumstances, the ratio of skin area to weight for infants and young children is about 500:1, but it is 270:1 for adults. It can be seen that the proportion of baby skin is twice as large as that of adults. The proportion of skin is large, the fat of the skin increases correspondingly, and the absorption of chemicals such as washing products also increases. Once the toiletries are toxic or irritating, the baby is prone to skin allergies.

4. Low resistance

The low level of skin development makes the baby's immune system weak and does not have the ability of adults to resist bacteria and viruses. If you want to keep your baby's skin moisturized, smooth and elastic, it can only be protected by an acidic skin film on the top of the skin. Without this protective film, the skin is easily invaded by bacteria, and allergic symptoms such as rashes, erythema, blisters, etc. appear.

5. Thin pigment layer

The baby's skin has less melanin and weak UV resistance, so it cannot be exposed to the sun for a long time. Once exposed to the sun for a long time, it is easy to be sunburned and peeled, so go out to prepare your baby with sun protection, sun hats, umbrellas, etc.

6. Poor ability to regulate body temperature

The blood vessels of the sweat glands of the baby are not fully developed, and it is impossible to dissipate heat through the expansion of the blood vessels on the surface of the skin. The heat can only be dissipated by perspiration. Once the sweat duct is blocked, discomfort symptoms such as prickly heat will appear.

7. Lacrimal glands are immature

The baby's lacrimal glands are underdeveloped, the tear delivery is very low, and the eyes rarely blink, so try to avoid the baby's eyes from external stimuli.

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