Some mothers cannot feed their babies by themselves because of work, and often express their breast milk and let them drink when they are hungry. When the weather is cold, breast milk will easily become cold after being expressed, and the baby’s drinking cold milk is not conducive to healthy absorption. Therefore, some mothers will keep breast milk on the breast warmer and give it to the baby directly when the baby is hungry. Drinking is very convenient and quick, saving the time of warming milk. But can breast milk be kept on the breast warmer?
Many parenting experts believe that the temperature on the baby bottle Warmer cannot be controlled, and that too high can cause milk to deteriorate. Moreover, breast milk is nutritious, and it is easy to cause bacteria to multiply after being placed for a period of time at a suitable temperature, and the baby is prone to diarrhea after eating. Therefore, breast milk cannot be kept on the warmer. Let’s learn more about the storage of breast milk after expression.
1. Store breast milk at room temperature. Generally, colostrum (milk expressed within 6 days after delivery) can be stored for 12 hours at room temperature between 27°C and 32°C; mature breast milk (milk expressed after 6 days after delivery) It can be stored at room temperature of 15°C for 24 hours; it can be stored at room temperature of 19°C to 22°C for 10 hours; it can be stored at room temperature of 25°C for 6 hours.
2. Store breast milk in the refrigerator. Generally, it can be stored at 0~4℃ for 8 days. Note: When thawing frozen breast milk, you should rinse the sealed bag with cold water first, and gradually add hot water until the breast milk is completely thawed and rises to a temperature suitable for feeding, or placed in the refrigerator to slowly defrost and de-ice. After thawing, pour it directly into the bottle to feed the baby. The thawed breast milk must be eaten within 24 hours and cannot be frozen again.