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Baby bottle warmer: practical helpers for milk preparation

Baby bottle warmer: practical helpers for milk preparation

XieYifang |

Bottle warmers are useful helpers

Baby bottle warmers are practical helpers when it comes to preparing milk for the baby. As soon as the mother has to feed, the right temperature of milk and porridge is important. Bottle warmers ensure that the liquid quickly reaches the ideal drinking temperature: not too cold, but not too hot either. This aid is also ideal when the mother is away from home and the baby is to be fed with milk that was previously expressed and can now be warmed up to body temperature again. This is the only way to tolerate and accept the food as best as possible. Other methods, such as heating in hot water or the microwave, are much less safe: Baby food can quickly get too hot and scalding can occur.

Grownsy Fast Baby Bottle Warmers

Bottle warmer vs. baby food warmer

There are both baby food warmers and bottle warmers on the market. Combination devices are also often offered. Bottle warmers are really only intended to warm up baby bottles, while the food warmer can also be used to heat up baby food. The devices mostly work with hot water or a steam function. High-quality models have an automatic switch-off and overheating protection. In addition, there are devices that even work with adapters for the cigarette lighter in the car, so that they can also be used on the go. The food is gently warmed up and maintains the temperature in the bottle warmer for a long time. An acoustic signal indicates when the desired temperature has been reached.

Which bottle warmer should it be?

However, there are also devices that work entirely without water. They use infrared technology to heat the milk. This functionality can be very practical if the water in the living area is particularly hard. In addition, germs have less surface to attack in such a case and the device remains hygienic.

Warming a vial should be quick and safe. The short heating-up time ensures that the baby can be fed quickly as soon as it is hungry. The thermostat is started either via an LED display and program buttons or a simple rotary switch. If you want to heat porridge and jars later on, it is also worth purchasing a combination device in advance.

Baby bottles warm with the bottle warmer

When buying, make sure that you can heat different bottle and glass sizes as possible. Safety and quality seals are of course extremely important. Ease of use is also useful, as you will probably have to use the device at night even while half asleep. A bottle warmer must also be easy to clean and should not have any hard-to-reach areas. Hygiene is very important when heating baby food so that the child does not get sick. Even if the device usually does not come into direct contact with food, it makes sense to use pollutant-free materials. A digital temperature display is also an important feature.

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