
How long does it take to sterilize baby bottles with a breast warmer?
Sep 09, 2021
Baby bottles are mainly used for milk powder or refrigerated breast milk. In this case,...
Can the yogurt maker be used as a milk warmer?
Sep 09, 2021
Some people bought the yogurt maker and used it as a milk warmer, because the...
Can teether be sterilized with hot water?
Sep 06, 2021
Teether is an item that babies directly touch and chew for a long time. Baoma...
How often is the diaper disinfected?
Sep 06, 2021
The diaper must be thoroughly washed to eliminate all traces of ammonia and bacteria in...
What is the disinfection of baby's diapers?
Sep 06, 2021
Diapers are a very common baby product, and almost every baby will use diapers. When...
How to store sterilized baby bottles?
Sep 06, 2021
Bottle feeding is not a patent for formula-feeding babies. Many breastfeeding mothers also choose to...